Thursday, 31 May 2012

An old farmhouse in the morning sun

With a glorious morning here in England and the restoration of our old farmhouse(built in the early to mid 1500's)coming on in leaps and bounds it seemed an ideal time for a few quick photographs! I am thrilled to say that we have finished the first floor and attic bedrooms and the new carpets have been laid and we are enjoying 'paddling' around in bare feet! The trials and hard work of the last few years have been soothed by the comforts of freshly painted rooms and furniture free from layers of inch thick dust. We have a little way to go with the soft furnishing but here are a few photo's of our old farmhouse in her new Spring look!
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - an occasional table in the smallest bedroom showing one of the wall beams that we uncovered under layers of wallpaper. The lamp is from Laura Ashley the white box picture frame from Homebase (rose from the garden - a climbing rose named Iceberg
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - the vintage wrought iron daybed is French and can be turned into a child's cot 
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - the antique corner cupboard was from a Victorian kitchen and we have left it unpainted inside with the warm colour of the old pine giving a lovely contrast.
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - this shows the wobbly ceilings we have throughout the house (the floors are the same) and the depth of the window ledge shows the thickness of the old wattle and daub walls.
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - the sunlight shows the texture of the original lime plaster and the rather quirky uneven height windows. If you crawl on the windowsill on the left it takes you behind the wall on to the staircase(see below)! 
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the landing on the first staircase - the windowsill that leads through to the smallest bedroom! It also makes a great spot to sit and read. The windows are painted in Farrow and Ball Green Stone, sadly no longer available.
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - the 'secret' windowsill passage that leads through to the staircase (shown above). The Rococo style mirror is a new find (see below). The curtains are made from a gorgeously thick slub cotton fabric bought at The Conran Shop around 20 years ago, over the years I have re-made the curtains to suit various windows.   
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the smallest bedroom - I couldn't resist this mirror which is a soft chalky taupe shade (my photography is awful!)
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the second staircase - this leads up to the attic bedrooms. If you crawl along the windowsill it takes you behind the wall on the right into the smallest bedroom shown above!
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - down the second staircase from the attic bedrooms to the first floor landing. The balustrades are the original old oak
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the first floor landing - this also shows the white travertine marble floor in our bathroom and the wobbly floors, walls, etc! Walls painted in 'Chalk' by Zoffany
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - one of the first floor bedrooms (more photographs to follow at a later date) my Husband made the cupboard which is painted in Laura Ashley 'Ivory'
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - the view from our bedroom across the landing to the smallest bedroom 
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - our bedroom - the curved structure on the left of the cupboard is the chimney from the room below. The dark furry blob on the settee is Fingle our cat! The cupboard in painted in Farrow and Ball 'Stony Ground' no.211
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - our bedroom - the newly restored fireplace (more photo's to follow at a later date)
Above image: The Paper Mulberry our restoration project - our backdoor (painted in Farrow and Ball Card room green no.79) with grapevine above. The lead pots are actually fibreclay reproductions.  

As the we are now in full flourish finishing the restoration work on our house I will be posting once a month to allow time for both! 

Update: this was our home until November 2012, we would like to wish the new owners every happiness in their new home!

With warmest wishes

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Relaxed Country Living

A colour palette of dusted earth tones and soft powdered pigments such as mulberry, raw plaster, putty, charcoal and zinc give a soothing, calming atmosphere to any room. Textures of washed linens, aged rustic wood and natural elements are set against pared down architecture to give this country look a contemporary twist.
Above image: divine interiors by &Styling
Above image: Interiors by De Stamkamer
Above images:1. 2., 3. & 4. by Hoffz interiors
Above image: paint company Pure & Original
Above image:paint company Pure & Original
Above image: Interiors and architects Timeless Living
Above images:1.interiors shop Un Esprit en Plus 2.photographic location agency Light Locations 3.antiques by Brigitte & Alain Garnier 4.interior design by De Zon Van Duurstede 5.stylist Leslie Dilcock 
Above image:the fabulous home, blog and shop of G-Style
Above image:interiors by At Ease Interiors
Above image: interiors by At Ease Interiors
Above images:1.divine interiors by &Styling 2.grey willow wreath from my home 3.gorgeous rustic linens from Rough Linen 
Above image: interior design by Am Projects
Above image: beautiful photography by Nicolas Matheus
Above images:1. Hoffz interiors 2.detail of bathroom door from my home 3.gorgeous pitcher from The New General Store 4.fabulous interiors of Cote Bastide
Above image: handmade industrial lighting by TierlanTijn Lighting
Above image: interior design by Am Projects
Above image: bedlinen by House in Style 
Above images:1.& 3. paint company Pure & Original 2.& 4.bedlinen by House in Style 
Above image: divine bathroom from hotel Chateau Grand Boise

For more information on anything shown in the above images please click on the names under each photograph to go through to their web sites. 

With warmest wishes