Above image: ash towel rack from deVol Kitchens
Above image: ash and jute laundry maid from deVol Kitchens
Above images: 1.vintage basket to use for laundry by Lillian August Designs 1st Dibs 2.clothes peg bag made from vintage linen by Aina's Charme 3.vintage grain sack for storing laundry by The Textile Trunk (loodylady Ebay)4.fabric for pretty laundry room curtains and blinds "Reef" 100% cotton in colour way Surf by Clarke and Clarke

Above image: laundry room by Plain English
Above image: laundry room idea from House to Home
Above images: 1.utility room by Plain English 2.fabric "Gracie" 100% cotton in Blue by Clarke and Clarke 3.laundry basket with natural linen lining from Baileys Home & Garden 4.laundry bag from Not on the High Street 5.fabric for pretty laundry room curtains and blinds "Reef" 100% cotton in colour way Surf by Clarke and Clarke 6.the wonderful laundry room from the fabulous blog Emilia's New Moon
Above image:Teresa Green ironing board cover originally from Selvege Dry Goods
Above image: fabulous laundry of a house in Kent featured by Light Locations - film and photographic locations agency
Above images: 1.Fog Linen Works apron at Milk & Paper 2.clothes peg bag made from vintage linen by Aina's Charme 3.catering bins re-purposed in Martha Stewart's utility room 4.ironing board and cover at Garden Trading
Above image: Cabbages & Roses
Above image: cedar radiator drying rack by deVol Kitchens
Above image: cedar radiator drying rack by deVol Kitchens
Above image: fabrics and cushions from Cabbages & Roses
Above image: washing powder box from Cox & Cox
Above image: vintage inspired linen fabric by Peony & Sage
Just add fresh air!
For more information on anything shown in the above images please click on the names under each photograph to go through to their web sites. The colour swatches featured are my suggestions for accent shades and do not relate to specific paints unless otherwise stated, but I'm sure your favourite paint companies would be happy to suggest matches!
With warmest wishes
Lovely images...makes me want to get out the ironing board...Have a lovely weekend. Sharonx
Your images make me want to cry. I have a laundry cupboard rather than a laundry room, I would love to have a room any of the above beauties, to fold lavender scented white laundry in. I would of course have to throw the rest of our clothes out of the window, but it would be so worth it.
There will be no washday blues in any of these spaces Glenda. I sadly neglect my laundry and really need to give it a bit of charm and interest! Love the colours and the detergent in that large jar!
Have a great week...its almost weekend!
I like so much all those pictures !!! Wonderful. I would like to get such a place in my home ! may be later on !
Thanks for making us dreaming post after post, it always a great pleasure to visit you !! Enjoy your day
Nat from France
It is always such a treat to find a new post from you Glenda. I look forward to them so much, you never fail to impress and delight.
Lots of love xxx
Wonderful images:) I love the peg bags in particular, and so easy to make. Unfortunately I don't have a utility room as my cottage is so tiny, so we have to be very aware of every available inch! One day maybe....
...and the winning laundry is..the house in Kent, closely followed by Plain English. Thanks Glenda for another lovely post...it's got me dreaming about renovating my laundry when I return to my home in Australia. In fact I already have on my mental list one of those vintage wash troughs (kohler?) that I often see in the U.S. Country Living mag....probably impossible to find!! Have a lovely weekend. Robx
You even make a laundry room look beautiful! No21x
Who would have thought that a laundry room could become so beautiful - even when they are utilitarian.
What beautiful images. Weirdly makes me want to go and have a Spring clean.
You have the most beautifully edited style in your photo choices. Thank you, thank you for the continual inspiration!!!!!
Washing is real fun with all these pictures !
Beautiful pictures as a party is doing the laundry, beautiful colors and fabrics ..... Nice post ... nice weekend dear greeting rosita
So many beautiful images...could almost make me want to do laundry!
Dearest Glenda,
I was very looking forward to your next post!! As I am never disappointed!! Again a beautiful 'Laundry' post on which you put so much work in !
I always know you gonna give us a lot of interesting links too!
Thank you so much for all your creative work!
Sarebbe di sicuro più bello lavorare in lavanderie cosi ben arredate, mi piacciono le tue idee.
Un saluto
Anche il bucato può diventare rilassante!
Un abbraccio!
Who would imagine that a laundry room could get your heart rate going! (in a GOOD way!) Haha! Everything here is so beautiful in its simplicity. Just lovely! I have a closet of a service room, but I would love something really workable and spacious like your examples. It's so nice to have all the references! Thanks! I hope you're doing well!
Thank you so much!!!!! I really can't thank you enough for such kind comments they really do mean so much. Oh and apologies for the typo' which hopefully I have now amended )things are rather hectic at the moment)! Warmest of wishes as always from this old farmhouse - Glenda xxx
Lovely; I'm after one of those vintage ceiling driers. B x
BEAUTIFUL images! The combination of ANYTHING by Plain English, a laundry maid AND/or Cabbages and Roses makes for absolute perfection in my mind. It would be the first room in the house that visitors would see if my laundry room looked like any of those - Thanks for such great inspiration!
That drying rack is divine.
I just placed an order for my new laundry room!
Thank you for such wonderful inspiration.
xo ox
Nice ideas
Any one of these would do for me. I especially love the image from a home in Kent. The drying rack is gorgeous and I love the curtained panels on the tables.
these spaces all look so clean and organised AND pretty. I really have to tackle my utility room, thank you for the beautiful insiration Glenda, I have lots of lovely ideas now.
Oh this is lovely Glenda, thank you also so much for mention my work and my shop in between !! :))
I love how you merge everything together into a wonderful Inspiration Board. There are no others who do it that way. It speeds up your thoughts and ideas immediately, and it is easier to see a fully/finished decorated room. Lots of great Ideas. Thank you!
Enjoy a nice weekend !
~ Aina ~
How timely, beautiful images. We are working on our basement laundry at the moment.
I recently posted some images of progress and your lovely inspiration has given me more ideas to add to the charm:)
Have a lovely weekend Glenda :)
Wendy xo
Inspiration pictures from you, I like it ;o)
Who said laundry rooms couldn't be beautiful... I love this post!! Every images is perfect! Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello Glenda
I do love to iron and would love to have a spacious laundry room. My washer and dryer are in a closet so no hope. Thanks for a wonderful post
Helen xx
I am sharing your blog on my Facebook page. I would love if you would participate in the French party on Monday!
Fabulous laundry rooms and accessories, fresh and simple, my dream...
Laundry never looked so good...love them all!!!!
Great post as always Glenda.
Love the Plain English images.
I'm a bit of a laundry nut and obviously have too much time on my hands!! I'd gladly lock myself in any of these laundry rooms!
Merci de m'encourager,je file repasser..
belle soirée
That almost made we want to throw on a load of wash! Almost! Lovely as usual!
I have a crush on vintage looking laundry rooms. We're moving so I'm finally getting a laundry room again. It looks pretty raw right now but hubby has promised to make it more functional and then I'm going to add these little details that make it more cosy.
Have a wonderful weekend Glenda ;-)
Ahh it is sad how we tend to neglect our laundry rooms, well, in fact I tend to neglect mine! Thanks for all the lovely inspiration!
Your blogroll is WONDERFUL, as is your blog. it is a continuous source of inspiration
I just discovered your lovely blog. My laundry is done in a corner of the garage, but your beautiful pictures have given me some ideas for brightening it up.
Tout est magnifique !!!
Le lavage et le rangement deviennent vite très agréable.
Merci pour me faire Rêver à chacun de mes passages, un vrai régal pour les yeux.
Belle journée *
I know that I am not in the norm when I say that I honestly love laundry! So as you can imagine I could spend all day looking at this post. I actually made a few of those grain sack mini baskets. But my favorite one is the laundry room in kent with the apron sink and the wood countertops. Divine! And exactly what I am currently doing to my kitchen.
have a great one Glenda
I would so love to do laundry in any of these beautiful rooms!
Lovely images and great inspiration - I'm just about ready to redecorate my laundry room too!
Loving these beautiful laundry rooms! Mine looks so crummy in comparison.
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